Weekend Getaway

My wintered-out, Minnesotan skin has actually seen the sun! I spent a weekend in Arizona with my little sis and mom to see my grandma and very much enjoyed it. Having been my sixth or seventh time going down, my feelings for certain restaurants and clothing stores that aren't in Minnesota have become pretty strong. I took some pictures outside of my all time favorite place to eat which is called House Of Tricks. I also did a mini photo shoot by the pool and put together my pool-side essentials along with a tile inspiration photo. When in Arizona, I feel exceptionally inspired to make experiencing new places a priority and to do so with a style that feels sincere and true to myself.  To whoever's reading, I hope this post has inspired you in some way.
"Remember, remember, this is now, and now, and now. Live it, feel it, cling to it. I want to become aware of everything I've taken for granted"
-Sylvia Plath



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